Caressing life's balls as she flungs them side to side in front of my face.

Age 34, Male


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Joined on 7/30/05

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Lalo's News

Posted by Lalo - June 4th, 2008

La máquina nunca se detiene - por Luis Bermer

El disonante chirrido de los inmensos engranajes sobre nuestras cabezas, formando parte del zumbido ininterrumpido de las turbinas. Escapes de vapor resoplando en las alturas inalcanzables a la vista, reino de la oscuridad. El gas que inhalamos es nocivo, pero necesario. La cadena trae aquello a lo que los moldes de metal líquido dieron forma, muchos kilómetros arriba, en los estratos superiores. Compruebo la firme sujeción de la vaina radioactiva a los anclajes del cuerpo del obús que llega a mis manos. Ha de ser perfecto porque la perfección es posible, lo único posible con nuestro trabajo. La hilera de piezas orgánicas que conformamos junto a la cadena no tiene fin. Bajo la rejilla a nuestros pies se abre un abismo de estructuras metálicas, débilmente iluminadas por destellos incandescentes, que provienen de la actividad que se desarrolla en las profundidades. Columnas de tubos humeantes invaden su legítimo espacio, conectando distancias inaprensibles.

Toda pieza es sustituible.

El ruido es ensordecedor por momentos. Una cascada de chispas se derrama desde algún lugar, tal vez un cable eléctrico se ha desprendido. Todas las vainas llegan perfectamente ajustadas, una tras otra. Imágenes en azul se apoderan de mi mente: cientos de cañones gigantescos apuntando hacia el cielo disparan sin cesar contra nuestros enemigos. La tierra tiembla. Luz blanca envuelta en llamas convierte la noche en día y...tengo que parar. Los pensamientos no son útiles para la máquina, entorpecen su correcto funcionamiento.

El daño es reparable.

Fabricamos muerte. Fabricamos victoria. Una tras otra. Compruebo y admiro su absoluta perfección. Una violenta explosión lo sacude todo, pero no perdemos el equilibrio. El impacto ha sido lejano. Durante unos segundos nos cubre la oscuridad, aunque la cadena no se detiene. Nuestras fuerzas redobladas compensan la insignificante pérdida. No existe aquello que no podamos conseguir. Me arden los brazos. Inconfundible el distante sonido de los martillos al golpear las planchas de acero, descendiendo sobre nosotros para bendecir nuestras energías. Un hilo de sangre brota de mi nariz.

Nada es desechable.

Temperatura extrema. El dolor que recorre mis brazos cubiertos de ampollas, dejándolos inservibles, es un impedimento a la consecución del fin. Ya no puedo tocar las obras sin defecto que trae la cadena. Se abren. Supuran sangre negra. He caído de espaldas sobre la rejilla. Me recogen, arrastrándome lejos de la perfección que he conocido. Afortunadamente, una infinidad de piezas podrán ocupar mi puesto, asegurando la máxima eficacia. La máquina no debe percibir la sustitución. La nueva pieza está ya en su nuevo puesto, es lo último que veo antes de iniciar el descenso. Mi carcajada es de pura satisfacción. Sé cual es la nueva función que me corresponde por derecho. Descendemos por pasajes abiertos que no parecen tener término. El metal dibuja inconmensurables estructuras infinitas en su gloria. Nos acercamos. Puedo sentirlo en el ritmo palpitante de las vibraciones que hacen inseguros nuestros pasos. El fragor lacera oídos a punto de quebrarse irreversiblemente y el calor es suficiente para desprender la piel, la intensidad roja quema los ojos, pero nada de eso importa porque ya hemos llegado.

Será un honor servir de alimento al corazón hirviente de la máquina.

Posted by Lalo - May 21st, 2008

so Beirut is this band that plays weird folkloreish music with nice beats and weird instruments, a friend introduced me to them and now i cant stop listening to their music, at the start i was like meh they're not that great, then the melodies and the combinations of the intruments started to get stucked in my mind, they make me feel a bit relaxed/happy and inspired. here are some songs of them that i like:

Nantes, i specially like the chorus:

/* */
In the mausoleum, this ones a bit creepier, i LOVE the violin here, makes it epic :3

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My Family's Role in the World Revolution, i LOVE this tune, i hum it all the time:

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Postcards from Italy, i love the beat and the trumpet solo (lol):

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those were just a few of my top favourite ones. they're amazingly weird and good <3

also random image:


Posted by Lalo - May 18th, 2008



Posted by Lalo - April 29th, 2008

yup, its bad news :C
My pico movie isnt done, I wanted to submit it before pico day since it would get more spotlight, but couldnt get my ass to work on it on time, and some inmediate things came up in the last minute. now its pico day and its not yet finished :,,C I AM VERY SORRY TO EVERYONE WHO WAS EXPECTIN THIS, I AM SO LAME. I am specially sorry to Tom, i WONT dissapoint again mister :(

The GOOD NEWS are that im still working on it, and its going to be VERY sexy :D it will also use like 70% NG audio portal music and have special unique appearances, so thats even cooler :).

so yea i just learned to never give a release date :) ALSO: negative feedback will only lower my selfesteem and therefore cause slower production speed so take that in count. Heres a quick sketch (last posted one i hope) its a scene from the movie :3

EDIT: i noticed how not imponent the penilian looks so i redesigned him :D

Special Anouncement


Posted by Lalo - April 26th, 2008

I'm not THAT pissed but there's somethinga bit annoyingi find in the following:

Simple Animation Tutorial has a score of 3.90 as of April 26... 2 days since it was submitted and 30 favorites. it took 3 days to make and wasnt even meant to be on NG :)

Impulsive Mind has a score of 3.81 as of April 26... year and a half since it was submitted to NG and it barely has 10 favourites and it took a month to make specifically for the NG halloween contest.

ok so the conclusion here is that, the tutorial thing has more favorites since its now easier to add a movie to your favorites list, or NG has changed from being harder in reviewing and voting movies to being softer and more patronizing... i think most people around here vote either 0 or 5 to make the submission's score change dramatically, and that SHOULDNT BE! there are 6 grades you can give to a movie and you should vote for the most deserved one by the movie and not the highest or lowest one...

so yea now go vote 0 on this (submit to the tutorials collection while you're there plzthnx) and 5 on this and also favorite it :D

also this is my dog:

boo :C

Posted by Lalo - April 16th, 2008

I love this video, reminds me of all these awesome songs :D.

/* */

Posted by Lalo - April 13th, 2008

Artistic attempt, done in a couple of minutes. subject's left hand is weirdly drawn and he is also very anorexic :) Spare the picture quality for it was taken with a 1.3 MegaPixel cellphone camera.


Posted by Lalo - April 12th, 2008

Since i was bored i decided to check the Alexa site for newgrounds' traffic, then i compared it to other sites, and got some results :P NG is above Ebaums' world (yay) in reach rank and pageviews. but it seems to be below Deviantart for much space Deviantart suddently started to get more and more traffic since 2 years ago : P in any case, NG's traffic has been growing at a steady pace without going down, thats good :) and it still keeps a small staff and personal interaction with users, so its quite an achievement.

Here's the comparision in an attempt to make this post not seem so worthless:

Newgrounds Traffic

Posted by Lalo - March 23rd, 2008

ok its not really new, but i just got my bitch to scan it. the excessive brightness and ugly position are all his fault... ill post these scans until I run out of them :)

New super sexy sketch

Posted by Lalo - March 5th, 2008