I'm not THAT pissed but there's somethinga bit annoyingi find in the following:
Simple Animation Tutorial has a score of 3.90 as of April 26... 2 days since it was submitted and 30 favorites. it took 3 days to make and wasnt even meant to be on NG :)
Impulsive Mind has a score of 3.81 as of April 26... year and a half since it was submitted to NG and it barely has 10 favourites and it took a month to make specifically for the NG halloween contest.
ok so the conclusion here is that, the tutorial thing has more favorites since its now easier to add a movie to your favorites list, or NG has changed from being harder in reviewing and voting movies to being softer and more patronizing... i think most people around here vote either 0 or 5 to make the submission's score change dramatically, and that SHOULDNT BE! there are 6 grades you can give to a movie and you should vote for the most deserved one by the movie and not the highest or lowest one...
so yea now go vote 0 on this (submit to the tutorials collection while you're there plzthnx) and 5 on this and also favorite it :D
also this is my dog:
Why 0 on your tutorial submission? :P
cause it sucks