You may watch it here. Its Awesome's school. It started as a quick, dumb flash to join the quick dumb awesomemovies trend last year. Then i lost interest and decided to finish it for pico day, even if it doesnt get as many views. I Think its not too good, i realized the script sucked halfway thru, but i wanted to finish something at last.
Right now I'm sick of drawing pico, fed up with animating school shootings. I do procrastinate alot but Im tired of, whenever I open flash, feeling like i have to finish my pico's school movie thing. So its on a big halt, kinda like that halt 2 years ago. I dont know when im gonna finish it. I wanna work on other stuff, my own original movies. It might sound hipocrite, saying i want to do original stuff when now half of my movies are about pico. but thats what i want to change :)
SO FROM NOW ON I'll try and be more active on DA FLASH SCENE. Taking that out of my chest has made me feel FREE LIKE A BIRD AND EAGER TO DO MORE ANIMATIONS lol.
Go check these excellent pico movies meanwhile
RUN, DARNELL, RUN! Nogfish and his awesomeness
Pico 09 Lazymuffin and his awesomeness
Also. I'll most likely be living in the USA starting July, Big changes, exciting but really weird at the same time, i'l be starting from 0 on everything pretty much.
Awesome flash.