Can I see it full size?
Caressing life's balls as she flungs them side to side in front of my face.
Age 34, Male
back and forth
Joined on 7/30/05
Can I see it full size?
no thats top secret
cool can't wait i love the other pico movies
Can't see shit on these light drawings. Well,but as far I could figure it out,the sketches are nice,and plenty. Hope to see new PSTM 3 soon :)
well thats the point, i dont want you to firue out anything in those papers, i just wat you to see how much work i've put in it :O
yeah im gonna agree with everyone else.. this post is pointless.. we cant SEE how hard you worked..
not true. you can see HOW MUCH i've worked, thast the point ;)
that could be your math homework for all we know.
Oh.. So you broke your old tablet and you got a tablet from tom and your waiting huh?
All I see is scribbles, some right angles, boxes and squares as if it is your Algebra homework. Close the textbook and open a sketch book boy. e=mc2
I don't think so.
wtf you're crazy
Cant Wait For It
Well,we can see you worked much,I'm just saying it's too bad we can't see it more clearly. Why don't you show it?
Nooooo... k maybe later
LMAO lalito youre such a buzzkill.. why would you post that on Jazza's userpost.
you know you dont like his work. you can tell me ... youre my protege.
I'm really glad you're working on this! I'm really looking forward to 3. Just don't make It so short like the past 2 ^_^
I plan for my Flash like that, too.
...Only your planning is more organized =)
i guess ill send your tablet on friday. you draw so lightly.