I remember when the top 50 used to mean something
Caressing life's balls as she flungs them side to side in front of my face.
Age 34, Male
back and forth
Joined on 7/30/05
I remember when the top 50 used to mean something
si lalo, un post va a cambiar a la internet ....
vos y tu ingenuidad lalo, vos y tu ingenuidad :P ....
almenos estoy intentando algo y no haciendome idiota diciendo: ay pues estoy conciente de que asi son las cosas pero nimodo.
hah shit if he gives me a blow job ill help make another brawl taunts. fuck that
Thanks to YouTube's way of voting taking Newgrounds it has come to this.
I do put critical mentioning in to the most of the reviews I leave on submissins (which I do quite rarely) and so I do with voting.
I give 5 only to those that really deserve it (or aren't by friends haha), like Story of Khale, Brackenwood etc.
But if the sound quality sucks and animation is good, I would give it a fair 3 if the idea is good and if the sound quality is better than animation itself and has good idea that works, I'll give the same.
Most rarest vote I give is 1, since mostly flahes get either 0 or 2 from me if the vote is that low.
Since if the flash is something that needs to be blammed, 0 works better and 2 is just to cheer up, that it didn't suck completely.
Something with a score of 2 out of 5 is sometimes watchable movie too, isn't it?
Oh well, all this madness is caused by that destroyer of the dreams of animators, which goes by name as "YouTube". And for some reason I'm meaning the flash thievery there too when I type something like that.
omg! i totally agree with
and dont you get freakin pissed by dudes that dont have one sinlge flash submitted on NG, like no voting power or anything alse for that matter, they give out 0's and 1's and comment like
i mean like THEY know how hard animatin is or how much effort you put into it..
I may sound pissed right now, but i wrote this pretty calm actually...
umm those are the kind of reviews i'd like to receive.
The only thing we can do is start to post good reviews ourselves... Like what I just did with Bitey of Brackenwood. XD
yay :D
Does this apply to KK flashes? 'Cuz I'd prefer to stick to blammin' them on sight, for obvious reasons.
yea flashes from groups might be excluded if necesary
ah, Brawl Taunts didn't really do it for me. I'm actually really pissed that they beat Spares in the Monthlies.
im pissed that they made it to the monthly top 5 :C
me ofenderia si no fuera q tenes razon ...
:) gracias por darmela.
yeah but i say dudes with NO EXPERIENCE
i mean if you said dat to me, i would obviously value your opinion
you know?
i guess, but they're being critical, and if they know what they're talking about and you realize it, then the point is valid. makes sense to receive low scores of youre just beggining with flash :P
To be honest, we had better ones with the OLD review system. I wonder what happened to that?
yeah, i like this one more tho.
esto es mas bien una opinion man, pero me parece un poco inutil tu critica. No por que no este de acuerdo (Estoy un "over 9000 thousand"% de acuerdo), si no por que estas apelando a la inteligencia y seriedad de la gente...
MAN, LA GENTE EN GENERAL NO PIENSA AL MENOS QUE TENGA UN MOTIVO PARA HACERLO! (como seria tu caso, que sos un flash artist, o como el mio, que es por que me gustaria que newgrounds fuera un lugar mejor)...
lo se, es odioso, es injusto y da terrible bronca.... pero bue, que se le va a hacer ??..
A mi me da mucha mas bronca el hecho que muchas sagas de newgrounds simplemente por ser populares reciban puntajes altisimos.
Ejemplo: "smash kingdom". Es verdad que es gracioso, y yo me rio mucho viendolo, pero he visto millones de animaciones 1000 veces mejores (tanto en calidad de imagen y animacion, como en guion) y que no reciven ni un 0.001% de la nota de "smash kingdom" tan solo por que no son populares (o por que no llegaron a la main page).... no se, me da terrible bronca todo esto, pero q se le va a hacer :P ...
ps: no estaria bueno hacer el siguiente experimento en newgrounds?:
-postear primero una animacion con un usuario desconocido
-posteriormente postearlo por alguien conocido (Digamos... vos :P ) y pedirle a Tom Fulp que lo ponga en la main page
-ver si la diferencia de votos que le pone la gente a un usuario conocido y a otro que no es muy grande. A si + o - podriamos tener un parametro :P
no le veo lo inutil a la critica, especialmente si es verdadera. se supone que se logre algo al hacerle ver a la gente ke sus reviews mierderas no llevan a nada. ya hubo un par que abrieron los ojos :D!